Earth Day 2015 Cleanup at Mussel Rock Park, Beach, Streets and Bluffs

What a great team we have. I was suddenly called to a personal emergency at the end of the cleanup time. So without me, my crew formed a great impromptu wrap-up team. They stowed buckets and gloves in their cars or in the bushes. We eventually moved them to my garage afterwards. Congratulations to 2 of our Mussel Rock Stars, Jeff Christner and Tom Webber, who were awarded State Senate Awards for their ingenuity, hard work, and from my perspective, coming to our cleanup site on Earth Day every year. We wish Tom all the best in his relocation to So Cal. He will become such an asset to them.

I had found a love seat that weighed approximately 400lb during the week. Added to that there were some 562lb trash (approx total 962lb), 30lb recycling, and only 175 cigarette butts. We had about 59 volunteers, regular Mussel Rock Stars, but others from 4H, and BAPA. Special call out to Georgette, who brought us bagels, doughnuts and coffee paid for by BAPA (Bay Area Paragliders’ Association). Joe has been in a wheelchair for about a month, but all this time, he has threaded over 300 bags, PBC members under the direction of Kristina Quevedo made 1000 of these as giveaways to adults for ED 2015. Georgette brought Joe to us from his long-term care hospital he calls the Zombie Hilton. We hope he will be fully recovered for future adventures with the Mussel Rock Stars!

There was no tsunami debris brought up from the rip rap. Many of us went to the Eco-Fest in Pacifica, and had a great time learning about bees.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and  worked so hard to make this a successful Earth Day. Bee the Change, Bee an Earth Hero, Bee a Mussel Rock Star!