Team Bank of America Cleans up the Beach!

Bank of America gave back today! They came and started weeding the Rockaway Switchbacks -pulling Wild Fennel, Radish, Mustard, Star Thistle and that horrible Sticky Ox Tongue. Thank you so much for coming and helping us give our beautiful coast its pristine state!

And let’s not forget the efforts from the previous team on May 13th. That day and in two hours B of A volunteers pulled, chopped, chipped at, and removed over 1000 pounds of wild radish, star thistle, ox tongue, and wild fennel clearing the Rockaway switchbacks from the rocks to the path and almost to the first switch. Bye bye weeds come on Native Plants we’re rooting for you! Oh… and 2 super stars also removed wild fennel up past the 3rd switch! Amazing and wonderful! Thank you!

B of A habitat restoration B of A beach cleanup B of A habitat restoration 2 B of A habitat restoration 3